Arctic 50th Anniversary Revision as of 19:39, 17 September 2010 by Illyanadmc (Talk | contribs)
From The Giant: The Definitive Obey Giant Site

Year: 2010
Run Size: 250
Part of Set: none
Size: 24x18
Paper: unknown
Print Type: Screen Print
Release Date: 09/10/2010
This print originally retailed for $55.
Alaska's wild lands -- including the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge -- are under attack. This extraordinary treasure trove of lands, set aside decades ago to be protected now and in the future for the benefit of the American people, is in severe danger of being destroyed forever by short-sighted politicians and the extractive industries. They want only the resources these pristine areas can provide, regardless of the resulting devastation to the habitat, wildlife, and cultures.
Alaska Wilderness League is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation founded in 1993 to further the protection of Alaska's amazing public lands. The League is the only Washington, D.C.-based environmental group devoted full-time to protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other wilderness-quality lands in Alaska.
The League exists to lead the effort to preserve Alaska's wilderness by engaging citizens, sharing resources, collaborating with other organizations, educating the public, and providing a courageous, constant and victorious voice for Alaska in the nation's capital.
Alaska Wilderness League works at the federal level on a variety of issues affecting Alaska's wild land and waters. Currently, the League is fighting to permanently protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as wilderness, promote the sustainable future of the Tongass National Forest, and check the unbalanced and potentially destructive development of Alaska’s Arctic waters and Western Arctic public land.
The League, based in Washington, D.C., opened an Arctic Environmental Justice Center in Anchorage, AK in January 2007. The center provides a base of outreach and support for members of Arctic communities who are on the front lines of the destruction from industrial development.
A portion of the proceeds go to
Photographer: Steven Kazlowski
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