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Re: We're Gettin' the Band Back Together!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2022 6:42 pm
by vvk
stuckeyc37 wrote:I dont see myself ever getting in on NFTs. Wish that the new MANW would get physical
me to.. but then i bought some
i know, bad choice. but in my defense i bought the to send to friends as "their first nft"
you will never first your first rooster

Re: We're Gettin' the Band Back Together!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:47 am
by admonkey
anodyne13 wrote:Great thoughts. I think I have come to the conclusion that NFTs are the mark in time where I have officially become "too old". I think perhaps the way the younger generations look at digital assets/goods is just completely different than my relationship with what I consider to be "real". Maybe NFT's are streaming music, and hanging paper and canvas on the wall is a vinyl collection.
Maybe. I mean, not maybe on your becoming too old, but maybe on how other generations look at digital assets. :wink:

I think more and more of them will seek out a "tangible" connection to their digital assets, though.

I'd imagine it's fairly common for a digital-native to seek out, say, a used CD along with its physical liner notes, to "pair" with a digital album from a band they're really into. And then maybe they'll continue adding and stacking-on; pick up the vinyl eventually, you know, or maybe a ticket stub or a poster. Who knows. But it'll be stuff.

Fandom is a fire, and collecting has its own pathology. And some will be fans of art.

But the timing of their moving into more "tangible" things related to art, though? I'd think most of them are going to need permanent walls of their own before they decide to spend {insert favorite financial instrument, digital or otherwise, here} to hang anything serious up on them.

Re: We're Gettin' the Band Back Together!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:04 am
by admonkey
cybernigel wrote:If you just triggered another series of anti-petrol prints, I'm coming for you admonkey.

I wouldn't do that to you. I prefer the statement and look that came with Oil Lotus Woman. A little more... um... refined if you know what I mean. ::cough::

Re: We're Gettin' the Band Back Together!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 7:44 pm
by bdavenport
admonkey wrote:Some of the NFT kiddies are annoying AF.

There's an occasional entitlement issue or two from time to time in the Obey print-drop community, but HFS, these little NFT d00ds are spoon-feeders on steroids.

I joined, and if you're OG Obey, you probably should too (if for no other reason than to see a cool branch of where Shepard is taking his work), but bring your Xanax and a stiff drink.
For sure. Though I find it entertaining. I love when their little souls get crushed a bit because they didn't get a trophy.