Oil Lotus Woman
From The Giant: The Definitive Obey Giant Site

Year: 2018
Run Size: 450
Part of Set: none
Size: 18x24
Paper: Speckle Tone Paper
Print Type: Screen Print
Release Date: 01/09/2018
From Obey Giant:
The Oil Lotus Woman symbolizes the courage it requires for an individual with a conscience, to both acknowledge and stand up to the obvious and insidious forces of industry and money that put profit before the future of the planet and all of its species. The air and water that we all share collectively should not be compromised for the profits of the few, and we should not spoil those assets ourselves, with irresponsible habits. We all share responsibility. Thanks for caring. – Shepard
Oil Lotus Woman. 18 x 24 inches. Screen print on cream Speckletone paper. Signed by Shepard Fairey. Numbered edition of 450. $55. Available Tuesday, January 9 between 9 and 10AM (PST) on ObeyGiant.com in Store under Prints. A portion of the proceeds will benefit NRDC. Limit 1 per person/household.
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