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Obey servers, checkout, etc....

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:01 pm
by theBrain
I'm sure this has been touched on many times, but I am new to the Obey world and would love to have some insight. Servers crashing aside, my biggest complaint is with the checkout process. I don't understand why you are redirected back to the OG site after hitting "pay" at the Paypal site. When making any other online purchase (excluding those from sites with their own order processing), the transaction is complete after going through the Paypal checkout. I have missed out on the past few drops b/c the server times out on the way back from Paypal. And don't most sites allow you to keep the items in your cart for a certain period of time before they can be removed?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:14 pm
by jshea
Looking through the voluminous anticipation/release threads here will offer enough insight/frustrations/complaints to make your eyeballs bleed. Peruse away!

Re: Obey servers, checkout, etc....

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:27 pm
by theBrain
thanks. i've definitely read through the rants and frustrations, and i know i'm not alone. i just really want to know why the site is set up so you have to check out with paypal and then checkout again with og. a simple change could alleviate many of our frustrations, but i'm sure there is a logical reason they chose to do it this way - one that dates back to a time before all the crazy server activity.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:40 pm
by illyanadmc
the way i understand it, you're bounced back to OG from paypal because OG uses a live inventory, so the site needs to know when a print has been sold (since you are new to the OG world, you wouldn't remember the days of "i hope i don't get refunded" a few years ago - buying prints on OG was like a lottery).

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:50 pm
by admonkey
I know that some PayPal cart systems with live inventory will "over sell" if they have a high volume of near-instantaneous transactions because PayPal often lags in its communication with the seller's web cart. I would imagine the "back to Obey verification" process is intended to alleviate this and resulted in the end of oversold refunds we used to experience in the days following a drop.

EDIT: I had the thread open for several minutes before replying. Looking back, it appears you can just read Illy's reply. :lol:

Re: Obey servers, checkout, etc....

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:12 pm
by theBrain
thanks for the replies - i had a feeling there was a good reason for it, though it makes things kinda rough now.

Re: Obey servers, checkout, etc....

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 7:13 pm
by Abrogate
totally, always a bummer to get back to OG from paypal and to find your cart empty


Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:30 pm
by kingburdy
illyanadmc wrote:the way i understand it, you're bounced back to OG from paypal because OG uses a live inventory, so the site needs to know when a print has been sold (since you are new to the OG world, you wouldn't remember the days of "i hope i don't get refunded" a few years ago - buying prints on OG was like a lottery).
No need to reminisce, cause it seems like the old days are back.. :lol:

Re: Re:

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:13 pm
by theBrain
kingburdy wrote:
illyanadmc wrote:the way i understand it, you're bounced back to OG from paypal because OG uses a live inventory, so the site needs to know when a print has been sold (since you are new to the OG world, you wouldn't remember the days of "i hope i don't get refunded" a few years ago - buying prints on OG was like a lottery).
No need to reminisce, cause it seems like the old days are back.. :lol:
ain't that the truth? :wink:

Re: Obey servers, checkout, etc....

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:46 pm
by mention
From the email I got from Jaspr today, looks like they are having some new issues with new system. They showed that I had double ordered, and refunded me for one of the orders. But I was only charged once, so for a little while, I had a free elephant. :mrgreen:

Re: Obey servers, checkout, etc....

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:04 pm
by kingburdy
mention wrote:From the email I got from Jaspr today, looks like they are having some new issues with new system. They showed that I had double ordered, and refunded me for one of the orders. But I was only charged once, so for a little while, I had a free elephant. :mrgreen:
Your a stand up member.. :!:

Re: Obey servers, checkout, etc....

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:47 pm
by mention
kingburdy wrote:
mention wrote:From the email I got from Jaspr today, looks like they are having some new issues with new system. They showed that I had double ordered, and refunded me for one of the orders. But I was only charged once, so for a little while, I had a free elephant. :mrgreen:
Your a stand up member.. :!:
Thanks! I think Carson Daily said it best:
Do good things and good things will happen to you. Do bad things and it will come back and bite you in the buttocks.
I can use all the good OG server karma I can get!!! :mrgreen:

Re: Obey servers, checkout, etc....

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:49 pm
by theBrain
mention wrote:
kingburdy wrote:
mention wrote:From the email I got from Jaspr today, looks like they are having some new issues with new system. They showed that I had double ordered, and refunded me for one of the orders. But I was only charged once, so for a little while, I had a free elephant. :mrgreen:
Your a stand up member.. :!:
Thanks! I think Carson Daily said it best:
Do good things and good things will happen to you. Do bad things and it will come back and bite you in the buttocks.
I can use all the good OG server karma I can get!!! :mrgreen:
quoting carson daily may actually work against your favor. :wink:

Re: Obey servers, checkout, etc....

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:52 pm
by mention
theBrain wrote:
mention wrote:
kingburdy wrote:
mention wrote:From the email I got from Jaspr today, looks like they are having some new issues with new system. They showed that I had double ordered, and refunded me for one of the orders. But I was only charged once, so for a little while, I had a free elephant. :mrgreen:
Your a stand up member.. :!:
Thanks! I think Carson Daily said it best:
Do good things and good things will happen to you. Do bad things and it will come back and bite you in the buttocks.
I can use all the good OG server karma I can get!!! :mrgreen:
quoting carson daily may actually work against your favor. :wink:

I was actually quoting this guy:


Re: Obey servers, checkout, etc....

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:57 pm
by theBrain
:oops: in that case, consider that adding to your good karma. :D i never got into that show, though i hear it's hysterical.