Flag 1 Offset (Open Edition) Revision as of 18:03, 11 March 2011 by Illyanadmc (Talk | contribs)
From The Giant: The Definitive Obey Giant Site

Year: 2011
Run Size: unknown
Part of Set: none
Size: 36x24
Paper: unknown
Print Type: Offset Lithograph
Release Date: 02/18/2011
This is an open edition. All posters from this edition are dated the year of original issue, regardless of when they were printed, signed, or sold.
On 01/22/2011, thegiant.org forum member and friend of Obey Giant, TheOmethod, polled the members of the forum to determine which of four Flag images would be released as an offset print. The winning image, which received 32% of the vote, became this print!
From Obeygiant.com:
After receiving many requests for the MAY DAY Flag image as a poster, I decided to make an offset of the most requested version. In the land of Obey Giant... democracy works. Power to the people!
Related Prints: May Day (Arkitip Edition) - May Day Offset - May Day Offset (Open Edition)