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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
14:57, 27 July 2006Sydow as Ming.jpg (file)27 KBMose (corrected file name)1
14:20, 27 July 2006Griny.jpg (file)71 KBNoverflow 3
13:06, 27 July 2006Prints and the Revolution15.jpg (file)29 KBMose 1
13:06, 27 July 2006Prints and the Revolution14.jpg (file)25 KBMose 1
13:05, 27 July 2006Prints and the Revolution13.jpg (file)29 KBMose 1
13:05, 27 July 2006Prints and the Revolution12.jpg (file)27 KBMose 1
13:05, 27 July 2006Prints and the Revolution11.jpg (file)34 KBMose 1
13:05, 27 July 2006Prints and the Revolution10.jpg (file)35 KBMose 1
13:05, 27 July 2006Prints and the Revolution9.jpg (file)31 KBMose 1
13:05, 27 July 2006Prints and the Revolution8.jpg (file)30 KBMose 1
13:05, 27 July 2006Prints and the Revolution7.jpg (file)31 KBMose 1
13:04, 27 July 2006Prints and the Revolution6.jpg (file)32 KBMose 1
13:04, 27 July 2006Prints and the Revolution5.jpg (file)27 KBMose 1
13:04, 27 July 2006Prints and the Revolution4.jpg (file)30 KBMose 1
13:04, 27 July 2006Prints and the Revolution3.jpg (file)33 KBMose 1
13:04, 27 July 2006Prints and the Revolution2.jpg (file)42 KBMose 1
13:04, 27 July 2006Prints and the Revolutions1.jpg (file)26 KBMose 1
13:03, 27 July 2006Chinese operator in Minnesota.jpg (file)26 KBMose 1
13:02, 27 July 2006Shepard at Prints and the Revolution.jpg (file)16 KBMose 1
04:30, 27 July 2006Black Floor picture 8.jpg (file)46 KBMose 1
04:24, 27 July 2006Black Floor picture 12.jpg (file)43 KBMose 1
04:24, 27 July 2006Black Floor picture 9.jpg (file)36 KBMose 1
04:24, 27 July 2006Black Floor picture 7.jpg (file)37 KBMose 1
04:24, 27 July 2006Black Floor picture 6.jpg (file)87 KBMose 1
04:23, 27 July 2006Black Floor Picture 5.jpg (file)83 KBMose 1
04:23, 27 July 2006Black Floor picture 4.jpg (file)41 KBMose 1
04:23, 27 July 2006Black Floor picture 3.jpg (file)52 KBMose 1
04:23, 27 July 2006Black Floor picture 2.jpg (file)48 KBMose 1
04:23, 27 July 2006Black Floor picture 1.jpg (file)54 KBMose 1
21:58, 26 July 2006Cash fine art album cover.jpg (file)26 KBMose (Cleaner version.)1
21:07, 26 July 2006Ring of Fire.jpg (file)303 KBNoverflow (Cleaner version)2
20:50, 26 July 2006Cash fine art album cover 2.jpg (file)46 KBMose (Fine art piece.)1
20:25, 26 July 2006Rise above cd cover.jpg (file)37 KBMose (WM3 benefit cd.)1
20:16, 26 July 2006Jesse Misskelley.jpg (file)25 KBMose (Fine art piece of member of the WM3.)1
20:16, 26 July 2006Jason Baldwin.jpg (file)22 KBMose (Fine art piece of member of the WM3.)1
20:16, 26 July 2006Damien Echols.jpg (file)24 KBMose (Fine art piece of member of the WM3.)1
16:22, 26 July 2006Fiend Club fine art album cover.jpg (file)19 KBMose (Fine art album cover based off of the Misfits logo.)1
15:38, 26 July 2006Big Brother fine art collage.jpg (file)50 KBMose (Big Brother fine art collage.)1
15:37, 26 July 2006Big Brother fine art.jpg (file)38 KBMose (Big Brother fine art piece.)1
15:37, 26 July 2006Big Brother album cover.jpg (file)36 KBMose (Big Brother graphic fine art album cover. )1
14:43, 26 July 2006Bigbrother still.jpg (file)37 KBMose (Another impressive still from the 1956 film version of 1984. )1
14:42, 26 July 2006Big brother original.jpg (file)23 KBMose (Stills from the 1956 film version of 1984. The inspiration for Shepard's Big Brother 2, Big Brother Collage, and several fine art pieces.)1
21:28, 25 July 2006Sex Pistols on stage.jpg (file)79 KBNoverflow 2
20:25, 25 July 2006Stoecker Phil Manzanera.jpg (file)21 KBMose (Basis for the Roxy Music Phil Manzanera print.)1
20:24, 25 July 2006Stoecker Bryan Ferry.jpg (file)30 KBMose (Basis for the Roxy Music Bryan Ferry print.)1
20:23, 25 July 2006Stoecker Brian Eno.jpg (file)30 KBMose (Basis for Briano Eno Roxy Music print.)1
20:22, 25 July 2006Roxy Music debut album.jpg (file)111 KBMose (Packaging of Roxy Music's self-titled 1972 debut album featuring the photography of Karl Stoecker's that served as the basis for Shepard's 2006 Roxy Music set.)1
18:45, 25 July 2006Huey newton collage.jpg (file)207 KBNoverflow 2
18:28, 25 July 2006Grandmaster flash.jpg (file)61 KBNoverflow 2
14:43, 25 July 2006Joanjettiloverockandroll.jpg (file)28 KBMose (Cover art to Joan Jett and the Blackheart's 1982 #1 single "I Love Rock 'N Roll".)1

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