From The Giant: The Definitive Obey Giant Site
Along the years, Shepard Fairey has done many prints dealing with Zapatistas. Originally Zapatista referred to the revolutionary guerrilla movement founded by Emiliano Zapata around 1910, and zapatistas, his followers.
The zapatistas that Shepard portrays refer to the new movement in mexico debuted in 1994, and lead by Marcos. Modern zapatistas are fighting against the Mexican Government because of years of unfair treatment of the people of Chiapas. Proceeds from Shepard's prints of the zapatistas often go to their cause.
Shepard notes on the "Marcos" large scale print:
"...10% of the sales of the Marcos imagery will go to the Chiapas Media Project which provides cameras to members of the Chiapas community to document the unjust actions of the Mexican Government soldiers. Without the media, the Zapatistas would have been violently erradicated without the rest of the world even knowing."
Prints containing Marcos/Zapatista imagery include:
Marcos profile poster
Marcos Diagram
Marcos Drip
Marcos Stencil