Wall Street Public Enemy
From The Giant: The Definitive Obey Giant Site

Year: 2017
Run Size: 450
Part of Set: none
Size: 18x24
Paper: Speckle Tone Paper
Print Type: Screen Print
Release Date: 09/26/2017
From Obey Giant:
The Wall Street Public Enemy print is a critique of the culture of greed and manipulation seen on Wall Street and in the banking system. Lack of oversight from the government that is beholden to Wall Street and the banking system in the wake of their lobbying and campaign contributions creates a system ripe for corruption and greed. Eventually, corruption and greed become so permitted that they simply become a culture. Wall Street wants to profit from the public by any means necessary, think a couple trillion in illegal toxic mortgage loan bundling which created the housing bubble and almost sank the world economy, so the only way to keep the practices more fair than corrupt is to have rigorous oversight by those who are meant to serve the public. The public needs to understand that an unregulated Wall Street and the banking system is their enemy! To avoid a repeat of the 2008 financial crisis, laws and regulations that support long-term value and punish reckless short-term profit grabs need to be implemented. Read this great Forbes piece for a deeper analysis. Thanks for caring. – Shepard
Wall Street Public Enemy. 18 x 24 inches. Screenprint on cream Speckletone paper. Signed by Shepard Fairey. Numbered edition of 450. $45. Available Tuesday, September 26 @ 10AM (PDT) on ObeyGiant.com. Limit 1 per person/household.
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