Propaganda Engineering Large Format
From The Giant: The Definitive Obey Giant Site

Year: 2009
Run Size: 75
Part of Set: none
Size: 29x41
Paper: unknown
Print Type: Screen Print
Release Date: 04/02/2009
This large format print series was created to commemorate the 20 year anniversary of OBEY. The series was first released in Feb but only to a selected few for the opening of Shepard’s 20 year Retrospective at the ICA Boston. Shepard chose to revisit these images, from the 98 - 2000 era, due to their popularity but adding a more refined look to them with the replace of the OBEY Orange for a Metallic Gold. This fine art print series will go sale on 4/2/09 at noon. The series will initially go on sale only as a set with a few individual prints sold separately later in the day.
$2000 as a set
$600 as individuals
Related Prints: Behind You Large Format - Print and Destroy Large Format - Propaganda Engineering - Propaganda Engineering (Levi's Edition) - Propaganda Engineering (20th Anniversary Edition) - Riot Cop Large Format