Prevent Police Boredom
From The Giant: The Definitive Obey Giant Site

Year: 2018
Run Size: 450
Part of Set: none
Size: 18x24
Paper: Speckle Tone Paper
Print Type: Screen Print
Release Date: 05/19/2018
From Obey Giant:
In conjunction with the opening of #DIY: The History of Creative Culture in Skateboarding at my gallery @subliminalprojects, I’m releasing a print, as well as a limited edition hand-stenciled version this Saturday, May 19th at the opening reception. I’m DJing throughout the night along with my friend @hawkins_alfred, so stop by, buy a print, and check out the exhibit! Doors open at 7pm. To attend RSVP at
This Prevent Police Boredom print is an updated version of my first “art” screen print (a print on paper rather than just on a t-shirt) from 1989. Long before I was arrested for street art, I was being hassled and arrested by the cops for skateboarding. I was inspired by the skateboard culture maxim of “question authority” and Black Flag’s song “Police Story” and created this image of a kid holding a skateboard being grabbed by a cop. I thought this would be a great image to update for the #DIY skateboard show at @SubliminalProjects because the first versions I made of Prevent Police Boredom for a sticker and a t-shirt included the text “Prevent police boredom… skateboard” in Old English, but my art teacher told me to leave the text off of the print on paper... which I later realized was shitty advice! I now have a poster version of the art which includes that essential text and I made 25 versions with different hand-stenciled backgrounds with my tributes to classic 80’s skate and punk iconography. Each of the stenciled versions has unique embellishment. -Shepard
Prevent Police Boredom. 18 x 24 inches. Screenprint on white Speckle Tone paper. Signed by Shepard Fairey. Numbered edition of 450. $50. Available Saturday, May 19 @ 7PM (PDT) at @subliminalprojects (in-store only) and Tuesday, May 22 @ 10AM (PDT) on in Store under Prints. Limit 1 per person/household.
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