From The Giant: The Definitive Obey Giant Site

Year: 1998
Run Size: 100
Part of Set: Islam
Size: 18x24
Paper: unknown
Print Type: Screen Print
Release Date:
This print is also known as "Power to the Posse."
From Supply and Demand, pg. 128:
The “Giant Nubian” poster was set up to look like a Black Panther or Black Power image, and people often asked me if it was a picture of Huey Newton or Eldridge Cleaver or Bobby Seale. In fact, it’s just a guy from a ‘70s haircut book. Simply creating a poster of the guy makes him seem like someone important, and the colors and the slogan evoke a sense of the Black Power movement. The symbols are far more important than the actual person in the image, and I try to get that point across by tricking people but also informing them.
Related Prints: Angela - Islam - Jesse - Trust Devils