Learning Wiki Code

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Learning wiki code is for the most part simple. For 99% of what you do, it is incredibly easy.

[edit] Links

Making a link. Say you wanted to link to Pink Foam. Well... you would just type in [[Pink Foam]]. The Link looks like this Pink Foam The only thing is that the link must have the exact name and spelling of the linked article. so [[Pink foam]] many times will not work.

What if you want to link to something, but you want it to say something else. For that you use the pipe. usually right next to } is the pipe. It looks like this | . (Just a straight line) To use it, you would do this: [[Pink Foam|the pink stuff]] and that would look like this: the pink stuff

Linking to a website may actually be easier. If you want to make a link to a web site, just put the full site like this. http://www.risdpedia.net you can also do this [http://www.risdpedia.net], and it will look like this [1]

If you want the page to say something else, you can do this [http://www.risdpedia.net RISDpedia] (notice NO pipe, just a space after the url) will do this: RISDpedia

Note, the URL must have http:// for it to work.

[edit] Lists and Bullets

Lists and Bullets are often helpful ways to set up a pages organization.

A Numbered List can be done as such using the pound sign '#' before each line. IE,

# Went to the store.

# Bought some milk.

# Brought it home.

# Made a bowl of cereal.

This will make a numbered list like:

  1. Went to the store.
  2. Bought some milk.
  3. Brought it home.
  4. Made a bowl of cereal.

Bulleted Lists are just as easy.

* Went to the store.

* Bought some milk.

* Brought it home.

* Made a bowl of cereal.

This will make a list like:

  • Went to the store.
  • Bought some milk.
  • Brought it home.
  • Made a bowl of cereal

You can even make indented lists such as

* Doing breakfast.

** Went to the store.

*** Walked there.

** Bought some milk.

** Brought it home.

** Made a bowl of cereal.

This will make a list like:

  • Doing breakfast.
    • Went to the store.
      • Walked there.
    • Bought some milk.
    • Brought it home.
    • Made a bowl of cereal

[edit] Images

Once you have uploaded said file, you will want to use it. Copy the name of the file at the top after it has uploaded.

In the article you are editing you can place the image in there like so: [[image:imagename.jpg]]

Thats really all you need to do. There is even a button for it.

If you want, there are some options for images, and how they are put in the article

[[image:imagename.jpg|left]] will put the image on the left

[[image:imagename.jpg|right]] will put the image on the right

[[image:imagename.jpg|thumb]] will place a smaller version of the image

[[image:imagename.jpg|frame]] will put the image in a frame, and make it smaller.

[[image:imagename.jpg|frame|text]] will put the image in a frame with a caption under it

[[image:imagename.jpg|200px]] will make the image smaller at eactly 200px wide (any size can be entered)

These can be mixed

[[image:imagename.jpg|left|frame|350px|caption text]] This will put the image on the left in a frame at 350 pixels wide with a caption under it.