God Saves and Satan Invests Offset
From The Giant: The Definitive Obey Giant Site

Year: 2013
Run Size: 350
Part of Set: none
Size: 24x36
Paper: unknown
Print Type: Offset Lithograph
Release Date: 04/25/2013
This print originally retailed for $35, with proceeds helping to create posters for Occupy the NRA.
From Obeygiant.com:
This image has been controversial, but I'm glad to take the heat if it encourages more people to participate in a necessary conversation. I'm not anti- 2nd Amendment, I'm pro-common sense. No one needs an assault rifle with a 50 round clip, especially without a background check. Let's not allow a powerful organization like the NRA to lobby, use fear tactics, and ultimately dictate policy that is not supported by the majority of Americans. Please speak up if you believe in safety over intimidation. Thanks for caring.
Related Prints: God Saves and Satan Invests - God Saves and Satan Invests Paster